Singing & Elocution with a holistic twist!

Voice is our main instrument of self expression and whether you want to sing or speak in public -

studying with a voice coach is an amazing journey within.

Expressing yourself freely in music!

Don’t like your voice? Feeling nervous in front of other people?

Wondered whether you’ve got what it takes?

Find out and have great fun during the process!

Having some great fun singing in a choir or with friends?

How you perceive yourself and your voice

is a paramount to successful vocal delivery - that’s why Holistic Voice Coaching takes into consideration all your aspects and supports you thoroughly on your way to success.

Success means something else for each of us and that’s all what it is about!

Course will take you from establishing good foundations, breathing, projection and vocal exercises to blending registers, exploring your vocals, training you musically in a way that is tailored to your needs.

Lessons are offered in our London Archway Studio N19, Oxford North Hinksey Studio OX2 and in Launton OX26 (Bicester Studio).


£90/45min London (email to book)

£80/45min Oxford (email to book)

£65/45min Bicester / online

Discounts available for regular students.

Book online session here

Book in-person session here

Thinking of performing live gigs?

Sing in pitch, in rhythm and with musical understanding.

Project your voice confidently without tension, sweaty hands and dry throat.

No more breaking voice, mental blocks and stress.

Any time is good to start!

It's a journey inside, it's an amazing me - time, it is a transformative process!

Get to know your vocal instrument!

You’ll get the confidence and freedom to explore, experiment and enjoy your voice.

You’ll be able to express yourself better than ever before - through voice.

Rediscover your creative side!

Your age doesn't matter!

What matters is your attitude and commitment.

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Client testimonial